Intuitive Eating Online Courses
Self-paced non-diet and intuitive eating based courses to heal your relationship with food.
Imagine what life would be like if you could stop worrying about your weight and feeling out of control around food. You can and deserve to have a peaceful relationship with food and your body.
It's time to stop stressing over food
Which of these do you most relate to?

Reclaiming Your Food Freedom
Break the stressful dieting cycle and create a peaceful relationship with food and your body
With optional discounted 1-to-1 consultations

Anti-diet guide to overcoming emotional eating
Stop stress eating, binge eating and emotional eating: 100% diet-free
With optional discounted 1-to-1 consultations
Why online courses?
My online courses are great to...
- Support our 1-to-1 consultations by providing information and exploratory activities so we can go deeper during our sessions together. This means that you get more out of the time we spend together and find your food freedom faster.
- Be a sole tool for those who need some self-guided direction rather than getting caught in the social media or google rabbit hole trying to piece it all together on your own. If you don't yet feel ready or have the time for 1-to-1 support this is a great option and, if you ever want support in the future, you can easily book a consultation.
Both courses are based on an intuitive eating model and are Health At Every Size (HAES) aligned.
These courses are designed from extensive experience supporting clients to overcoming a poor relationship with food and emotional eating.
They are designed as a stand alone tool for those who do not feel comfortable or don't have time for individual appointments and as additional support to our consultations so we can dive deeper and get you to a healthy relationship with food faster.
Receive your course instantly so you can start finding food peace today!
Reclaiming Your Food Freedom
Learn more and get started instantly for only £199
Anti-diet guide to overcoming emotional eating
Learn more and get started instantly for only £199