Intuitive Eating Explained
11-part series taking a deep dive into intuitive eating and each of the principles so you can find your food and life freedom.
Episode 1: What is Intuitive Eating
What exactly is Intuitive Eating? How is it different from trying to eat healthy? How can I know I am doing it right? We take a zoomed out look at what intuitive eating is in this first part of our 11 part series exploring the principles of how to eat intuitively.
Episode 2: Rejecting diet culture
We take a deep dive into what rejecting the diet mentality really means in week 2 of intuitive eating explained.
Is stopping dieting enough to tick this principle off? What even is the diet mentality? What steps can I take to reject the diet mentality?
Episode 3: Honour your hunger
Learn why honouring your hunger is really vital to stopping binge eating and obsessive food thoughts. In this episode we explore Principle 2 of the intuitive eating framework Honour Your Hunger.
Learn how you can start honouring your hunger even if you feel out of touch with it.
Episode 4: Make peace with food
We explore why you need to stop the deprivation mindset around foods to stop feeling intense cravings and uncomfortable eating of restricted foods.
Learn why and how to make peace with food.
Episode 5: Challenge the food police
We explore what the food police are and how they hold you back from feelig joy and peace from food.
Learn two steps to start challenging the food police today.
Episode 6: Feel your fullness
Explore what you need to honour your fullness and feel comfortable after eating.
Learn some action points you can start today.
Episode 7: Discover Satisfaction
Learn how you can feel truly satisfied from food - the key to stop obsessively thinking about food when you're not hungry.
Learn 3 steps you can start today.

Episode 8: Cope with your emotions
Next week we take a look at principle 6 of the intuitive eating framework and learn why feeling satisfied is so important and so rewarding.
Watch live here on Facebook on Wednesday 19th October 12:15pm UK time.
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